Sponsor a personalized tile in our amphitheater and give a gift that will be acknowledged in perpetuity.
The Iroquois Museum invites you to join us in our mission of fostering an understanding of Iroquois culture and supporting creative Iroquois artists and performers. Purchase an art tile featuring work from our vast collection and add an individualized inscription. Your tile will be permanently installed in our outdoor amphitheater.
With the purchase of your personalized tile, you are supporting Iroquois creativity by enabling the Museum
to offer workshops, exhibits, education programs, and provide care for our permanent collection.
Designate a tile with your name, your company name,
or to honor a loved one. Each rust-proof aluminum tile
with crisp, fade-resistant printing is only $50. With over
500 images to choose from, you are sure to find an
image that is meaningful and unique.

Use the white arrows at the side of the page next to the images to scroll through available tiles.
Click on an image to view more information and make a purchase.
You can purchase a tile online through Paypal using your credit card even if you do not have a PayPal account.
Prefer to pay Offline? No problem! Send us a check made out to: Iroquois Indian Museum. Please mail your check along with the tile catalog number and inscription text to: Iroquois Indian Museum, PO Box 7, Howes Cave, NY 12092.
Tiles Featuring 2D Work:
Tiles Featuring Antler Carvings:
Tiles Featuring Baskets:
Tiles Featuring Beadwork:
Tiles Featuring Clay & Pottery:
Tiles Featuring Stone & Metal Sculptures:
Tiles Featuring Dolls:
Tiles Featuring Miscellaneous Artwork & Archeology:
Tiles Featuring Nature Images:
The Iroquois Indian Museum will review all inscription requests with the purchase of a tile. The Iroquois Indian Museum reserves the right to deny any inscription that fails to conform to the standards stated.
$50 per tile
6x6 inch or 8x5 inch tile (tile size depends on image choice)
2 lines of text
25 characters per line
Tiles are unique - once a tile is purchased it is no longer available.
All inscriptions must fit within the established limit on the number of characters for each line. A maximum of two lines with a maximum of 25 characters on each line and may include:
Name of an individual
Nickname of an individual
Name prefixes and suffixes
Pet names
Company names
“In honor of” or “In memory of”
Year(s) of service or birth/death years
Punctuation marks and special characters count toward the 50 character limit on tiles
Additional information:
Inscriptions which are NOT ALLOWED include: editorial, subjective, or inflammatory statements.
Donors will be notified if changes in the requested inscription are required to conform to inscription standards.
Inscriptions will appear in a standard font.
Inscriptions will be centered on the tile.
The Iroquois Indian Museum will determine the final placement of the tile, making every attempt to place tiles together that are ordered together.